Children of today are the men and women of tomorrow. The lack of chances for Nepali children for going to school is bringing the country to a dangerous undevelopment. With such a precedent, this country will never get a better future.

Running for Nepal
Moved by that motivation, Wim and Paula will set out to Nepal in October the 20th until November the 18th. Our intention is to help. With hands and money.
In order to get the highest sponsoring possible, Wim will run the Marathon in Eindhoven in October the 14th, one week before our departure. He is highly motivated and will run the 42,195 km of which the Marathon consists.

Wim was a winner in one of the latest races !!!
How can I help ?
If you want to help these projects, please be our sponsor. We kindly ask you to collaborate with 10 cent for every km that Wim will run. Therefore, we would be happy to receive your support of the symbolic amount of 4,2 euro in our dedicated bank account. You won´t even feel that money, the children will surely do.
Please subscribe the money to the following bank account:
Wim Cardinaels | ||
001-2965005-82 | ||
IBAN BE25 0012 9650 0582 | ||
tiensesteenweg 37 | ||
3000 leuven belgium | ||
Fortis bank |
Please mention your name so we can put your name on this blog to thank you.
What happens with my money?
In Nepal we will visit a school, an orphanage and a hospital for eye surgery (Did you know that with 12 euro the doctors can restore the sight of a person who became blind because of cataract?). The money we receive will be parted over those 3 projects.
In order to make sure that the money is used in the best way, we will not deliver the money to any organization. In the school we will go with the director to a shop in order to buy books, pencils and other material for the children, in the orphanage we do the same and in the clinic we will make sure the money will be used for operations on people who cannot afford it. As we come back, we will put pictures on the blog of the improvements that are being achieved with your money !!!
The sponsors will appear regularly in our blog ´Run for Nepal´ as well as the amount that we are collecting at the moment. Please, don´t hesitate helping us !
Children of Nepal
Pictures from the project in Nepal
We never thought we would reach 1500 euro for this project. We want to thank all of you for this huge help.
Since we visited the Karuna project in Pokhara (Nepal), this initiative really took our breath away. Tine Noterman is responsible for this school where around 35 children get education, food, attention and love.
In the morning, Tine gathers the children in their houses, in one of the poorest zones in Pokhara. Often she has to provide them with food. In the school, these children can be children again, they play, study, paint, and learn to get together with other children.
In the afternoon, Tine brings them back to the local boarding school. She provides them yearly with uniforms, shoes and school material. When they come back home in the evening, they go back to their reality, in houses made with plastics and rope, no water or electricity. There they have to take care of themselves, and even sometimes of their little brothers or sisters, when the family situation is not as good as we would wish.
With the 1500 euro, we agreed with Tine in constructing a pipe and installing a water pomp with a deposit and a shower. This would look like a basic need for us, but these children have never had something like that. So when the work is done, they will be able to wash themselves and their own clothes regularly.
You can not imagine how proud we are of being able to help this project.
We want to thank you once again from our part and from theirs: